MeTL Group

MeTL Sundries

Mo branded products from trusted global suppliers

Aside from ramping up local production capabilities by setting up manufacturing plants across Tanzania, MeTL Group imports sundry items that it does not currently produce.
Over the years, MeTL Sundries has acted as a business development and market study section of the MeTL Group, selling imported goods to identify opportunities to set up a local factory to produce them.

To date, the MeTL Sundries division has led to the establishment of two companies; MeTL Printers Limited, a factory that prints close to 38,000 cartons of exercise books per month and Tanzania Matchbox Industries Limited, which produces 25,000 cartons of matchboxes monthly.

All MeTL Group sundry items are manufactured as white labels in partnership with trusted global producers and are imported in large volumes under the Mo Brand. The MeTL Sundries division identifies, imports, sells and distributes all sundry items. MeTL Group imports are typically Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) that complement products already in the group’s repertoire, such as pasta, yeast, batteries, biscuits, confectioneries, stationery items, and personal hygiene products, among others.

We have mastered the art of identifying and pricing mass-consumed products, lessening consumers’ profit burden. Furthermore, leveraging our distribution and sales capabilities allows us to provide e Tanzanians with quality products at affordable prices.

MeTL Group sees Tanzania’s potential to become a manufacturing hub. We continue to work tirelessly to capture a significant market share of the FMCG sector to curb the influx of low-quality Chinese imports. To date, our most significant accomplishment has been dominating the pasta market, displacing Italy-made pasta, Santa Lucia. In the next ten years, MeTL Group will open a pasta plant to satisfy local market demands and to be able to export within the region.