MeTL Group


We are one of the largest exporters of agricultural products in Africa

Agriculture accounts for approximately 65% of Tanzania’s GDP and 30% of the country’s foreign exchange earnings. MeTL Group’s farming activities are aligned with Tanzania’s agricultural growth and development plans and the Group’s vision of becoming a fully integrated company. 

We work closely with local smallholder farmers through our out-grower development scheme to improve the quality and yields of local farms, boosting individual farmer incomes while growing rural economies. MeTL Group currently has over 34,500 hectares of sisal, over 8,000 hectares of tea, 80 hectares of macadamia, 80 hectares of avocados, and 1580 hectares of cashews growing on our farms.

Produce from the MeTL Group farms and supply from local smallholder farmers feed directly into the Group’s textile mill, tea packaging factory, cashew processing plant, sisal processing plant, and edible oil refinery. 

Surplus produce from MeTL Group farms and other agricultural products purchased directly from the farm gates are cleaned, processed and graded at points of purchase so that they can be exported globally. Our agricultural export portfolio includes cocoa, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pigeon peas, yellow gram, cardamoms, castor seeds, coriander seeds, green moong, groundnuts, honey, soya beans, tea, red beans, maize, gum Arabic, and beeswax. 

 Fallow land development, along with further land investments for large-scale cultivation of our products, will boost our production capacities and fulfil increasing demand both domestically and among export markets.