MeTL Group has three tea estates in two different regions with 2,350 hectares of planted tea and 1,200 hectares under contract farming to small-scale farmers. 95% of tea produced is exported either direct or via Mombasa Auction in neighboring Kenya, and the rest is sold to local blenders.
3 new tea factories with 5 lines of CTC machinery and 1 line of orthodox tea machinery with a combined processing capacity of 250,000kg of green leaf per day. The factories are: Arc Mountain and Dindira in Korogwe District and Chivanjee in Rungwe District. Production of quality made tea from harvested green leaf as preferred by most leading blenders and packers across the tea-drinking world at our three factories, above. Tea produced at these factories is grown on mineral rich soils at high altitude. Bimodal Seasonal rainfall is well-distributed enabling year round green leaf production at our tea estates. The Group’s medical dispensaries are staffed by trained medical staff, who provide healthcare to workers’ families and neighboring communities, who live in otherwise remote locations. Mother and Child initiative forms basis of family health-care. Tea estates provide women in the neighboring communities with safe, non-discriminatory, regular and sustainable sources of income, as well as day care centers and primary schools for their children.